The Changing Pace of Work in Lubec
During the warm months, Lubec’s workweek is consistent. Work pretty much stays the same and gets done. In winter, the pace is slower and less predictable. Of course, there’s the weather—can’t work outside when it’s too snowy or too cold. The other factor is the working people, many of whom hold 2-3 seasonal, part-time jobs.
Fishing: A Seasonal Occupation
Consider the fishermen, a loose definition of anyone who harvests the ocean’s offerings. Note there are no fish; therefore, no fishermen are landing fish. Lobstermen start around June, continue into the fall, then drag for urchins, and then scallops in the winter.
Clammers are another group. They usually rake for soft-shell clams; some dig scallops at low tide. Sandworms are dug for bait. “Wrinkling” is done at low tide, usually by women and children. The wrinkles (periwinkles, aka snails) are picked off exposed rocks and marketed as escargot.
Fishing is not a year-long occupation. Fishermen supplement their income with carpentry, driving trucks, and other jobs.
The Seasonal Trade of Christmas Wreath Making
In the fall, some go “tipping” for spruce tips, which are used to make Christmas wreaths, a major Downeast winter industry. Tipping is cutting off the spruce tips from this year’s growth.
During October and November, tips—also called “brush”—are harvested by the bushel and sold by weight to wreath makers. Tippers keep their spots private, just as clammers have their secret, sweet spots.
Logging and Tree Work in Winter
Winter brings cold and snow, the traditional time for harvesting timber. Logs and logging equipment move best through the woods on frozen, snow-covered ground. Cordwood, mostly hardwood, is also cut during the winter. Tree trimming is done throughout the year.
Snowplowing: A Vital Winter Job
A vital component of winter work is snowplowing. There are many, but never too many, small, private snowplowing companies. Some will have up to 100 accounts. Many are landscapers in the summer, while others are fishermen supplementing their income during the winter. The state and town have their own highway maintenance crews who plow as well.
